

被称为欧洲的经济引擎, 德国 has played an important role in leading the 欧洲an Union through the Covid-19 crisis. 通过实施慷慨的支持计划, 德国可以确保日博备用网站的稳定, which has created an improved business climate and has given Swedish companies a positive outlook on the future.


Bound by mutual goals of 可持续性 through innovation and an open approach to collaboration, 新加坡 and 日博备用网站's have strong business ties that are mutually beneficial to both countries. A robust approach to the pandemic has seen 新加坡's economy and international trade remain steady and in some areas grow and this report reveals the experiences and expectations of Swedish companies based in 新加坡.


不仅仅是邻居, 挪威 and 日博备用网站 are also linked by strong cultural and political ties that combine with common ambitions to collaborate to create a more sustainable future through strong business relationships. But 挪威's normally strong economy has not been immune to the economic impact of the pandemic and this report reflects the views of Swedish companies on the ground.


法国 was the leading 欧洲an destination for Swedish investments in 2019 and Swedish companies are doing well – demonstrating both profitability and confidence in the French market. Some 71 per cent of new entrants are planning to increase their investments.


Structural changes and the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic present new challenges in 中国。, but Swedish companies continue to have a positive outlook on market growth.


Will 新加坡 maintain its position as a low-risk country and attractive gateway to Southeast Asia after Covid-19? 在我们最新的商业环境调查中了解全面情况.


What are the implications for Swedish companies as 欧洲’s economic engine stalls over the coronavirus outbreak? 在我们最新的德国调查中找到所有答案.


Why are 54 percent of Swedish companies in 印尼 planning to increase their local investments despite the global economic turmoil? Find out in our latest edition of the Business Climate Survey which outlines future opportunities.


More and more Swedish companies are setting up 操作 in 泰国 and exports to the country have increased by 20 per cent. But political instability, trade conflicts and public health risks are dampening expectations.


Swedish companies in 中国。 have had continued growth in 2019 despite a bleak global outlook. This report outlines the business climate in 中国。 and future opportunities.